Why Should Events Go On?


The year 2020 has not been a smooth-sailing one for all of us in Singapore. From the ceasing of operations to organisations cutting down on their manpower, there is no doubt that the companies out there are looking to cut down on their expenditure.

So the question lies, why should events go on? In this article, we will share the reasons why it should go on, and why you go virtual.

We have listed down the following factors, along with the benefits of virtual events, that might change your views!


1) Staff Recognition

As the late Steve Jobs says, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” In recent times, there has been a great emphasis on staff recognition, and companies believe by rewarding their employees, they would be more driven to perform.

So why put a stop to staff recognition when it is a more crucial period now, to show that you recognise your employees for their performances?


We feel that companies should make an effort to celebrate, even if it is for a lesser cause. That way, your employees would feel that their hard work has been recognised by the company, and they find their job more meaningful. We have all heard from many stories that their successes stemmed from positivity itself. Try it! You will be amazed at the results it brings.


2) Staff Morale

To elaborate on the previous point, there is a need to boost staff morale as uncertainty clouds over companies and their staff. News of massive job retrenchments does not help much with the situation, with many working every day knowing that they might lose their job anytime soon.

To address the issue, companies should carry on with event planning. By going virtual, it will provide that personal touch to your employees who are working from home. It can draw a closer connection between the employees and the management in a fun setting. It can also invigorate the company as a whole!

With well-boosted morale and a strong sense of belonging, the year 2021 will be the time for the companies to CHIONG AHHH!!!!  


3)      To Strengthen Bonds, Even When Miles Apart

With the Work-From-Home scheme, there have been lesser interactions between staff. No more water-cooler talks, no more discussions in the meeting room. Most managements feel the need to foster a sense of togetherness between staff, even when everyone is working from home.

To increase  the social interactions between staff, here are the reasons why organising a virtual event might be a solution for you:

  • Saving on costs for venue rental, structural setups

  • Having fun while abiding by the safe-distancing measures

  • Lesser limitations compared to standard events

Organising your events virtually is more advantageous as there is no need to book an event venue, which is a substantial cost. Furthermore, without the need to spend on venue decorations, the budget for recreational events could be lowered even more.

You can also build your event using impactful animated visuals with a high degree of customisation. Your guests can also engage in highly interactive digital games with each other during the event. All these are accomplished while the safe-distancing measures are met!

Lastly, you can invite as many guests as possible to your event, even if some of them are residing overseas. Popular activities like Photo Booth can also be carried out seamlessly for everyone without the need to queue!


In conclusion, why should events go on?

  • To recognise staff efforts, encouraging them to perform better in their roles

  • To establish a fun working culture within the company where everyone feels they are a part of a big family

  • To strengthen bonds even when everyone is working from home, using the platform of a virtual event

We hope that through this article, we have provided you a fresh perspective towards event planning and let us all Recover, Refresh, and Rejuvenate for the year 2021!

If you are interested to find out more about virtual events, visit our Virtual Event tab here.


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